Cloudflare’s R2 storage is ideal image bed for blog writing, unless we can setup a proper pipline for uploading local image files. In the past, I’ll make use of Alist, a fantastic file list program that support multiple storage management through webui, to do the uploading and link generating. With the help of Meta function, I can place a simple link panel under image detail page. And direct link with image size parameter can be used to specify aspect-ratio to avoid layout shake.

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Formerly I employed Giscus as blog comment plugin, which worked perfectly expect the poor expansibility. So I keep digging alternatives to get rid of third party authentication and bring back website input box. Finally, Twikoo comes into my vision.

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Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub.

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